Tiny Ambitions
In Search of The Tiny Life
Hey, I'm Britt - a minimalist, ginger cat enthusiast and person who doesn't understand why people do the things they do most of the time.Tiny Ambitions is about recognizing that the life you're living is enough. And that you don't need to fill your life with stuff that doesn't make you happy.Above all else, Tiny Ambitions is about the search for the tiny life. I don't know if I'll ever find it, but I hope you'll join me in the journey.

"Things" I Love
I know "minimalists" aren't supposed to have or enjoy things. But anyone who says they don't is lying. Things are great. We literally couldn't survive without things in our life.I think being a minimalist is all about finding the right amount of things for your life and not buying things just to have them. You should use them and love them. And not even necessarily both at once.Here are some of my favourite things that I either love or use regularly and sometimes both (affiliate links).
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